A few days after your purchase of the Weyland Brothers lot, you stand before the floor-to-wall windows of your new office, surveying your bustling empire.
Production teams from recently green-lit projects rush around, filming new movies and TV pilots.
MC: Is there anything better than the sight of brilliant minds at work?
Ethan: Spoken like a true mogul, MC. How's it feel to know all this is yours?
MC: It would feel great, if it were true. But Desiree owns half of everything.
Ethan: Not half, 49 percent. That 2 percent Bianca's holding on to makes all the difference.
Ethan: We'll figure out a way to deal with Desiree. For now, just keep pretending like she doesn't exist.
MC: She's not getting in my way and I'm not getting in hers, but I dunno if I'd call that ideal.
Ethan: A split like this is far from ideal. It's a waste of resources and energy. At best, it's confusing to your crew, if not downright alienating.
MC: Are you trying to make me feel better? Because I gotta tell you, it's so not working.
Ethan: Hey, it's the truth, but we'll survive this...
Ethan: Let's just focus on the pitch meeting today. We're going to make your half of the company the best it can be.
MC: That I can do. I can't wait to hear those pitches.
MC: But I'm not looking forward to hearing them with Bianca. I don't get why she has to be there.
Ethan: I don't like it either, but she does own a piece of this company.
Later that morning, you and Ethan head over to a vacant studio for the pitch meeting. On the way, you run into Desiree.
MC: Stone.
Desiree: Good morning, MC. I'm so happy to see how hard you've been working to help my company grow.
MC: Your company? Last time I checked, we were equal stockholders.
Desiree: That won't be the case for long. Trust me.
MC: Ha! As if I would ever trust you again, you...
What do you say?
Manipulative, lying monster.
Literal piece of human garbage.
Attractive mistress of deception.
if "Manipulative, lying monster." then
Desiree: Oh, so trying to help my father makes me a monster?
MC: When your father is Anders Stone, hell yeah it does.
if "Literal piece of human garbage." then
Desiree: Tsk, tsk, MC. That's not what literal means.
MC: Trust me, it is. Because I literally want to pick you up and throw you in a dumpster.
if "Attractive mistress of deception." then
Desiree: Um... was that a compliment or an insult?
MC: Insult. Just because you're hot, doesn't mean you're not evil!
Desiree: Rein it in, MC. Don't you think it's best if we call a truce for now?
MC: Not a chance.
You arrive at the lot where your friends are waiting for the pitch meeting, but Bianca's nowhere in sight.
MC: No Bianca? This day is finally looking up!
Ethan: I'm in no hurry to see her, but should we be worried? It's been a week since she turned her back on her family... and now she doesn't show for this meeting? Something's up.
MC: It's Bianca. What's the worst that could happen to her? Not rhetorical, by the way. I'd love to hear any theories you want to share.
Ethan: Worst case scenario? Her dad froze her funds and won't release them unless she sells her shares to them.
MC: Would Anders really cut her off?
Ethan: You've seen the way he is with her. He's never been her biggest fan... or the best father.
MC: You're right. For all we know, she could be broke and on the verge of selling her shares to Desiree.
Ethan: We better find out where she is, fast. Let's check her condo.
You and Ethan drive to Bianca's luxurious off-campus condo, only to find a bright red eviction notice taped to the front door.
MC: She's been evicted?
Ethan: I hate to say it, but it really does look like Anders cut her off.
MC: Then she really might sell her shares. We have to find her, fast. Where would a penniless Bianca go?
Ethan: Well, Hollywood U's school tuition does include room and board. Maybe she's in her dorm.
MC: Bianca Stone... living in a dorm. Okay, this I've got to see.
You and Ethan rush back to campus and check the school registry to find Bianca's dorm. At her suite, you knock until the door is yanked back.
Bianca: What.
You stare past Bianca at the state of her dorm. Takeout boxes cover every surface, piles of crumpled clothes lie around the room, and huge boxes of shoes and makeup line every wall.
Ethan: I feel like we're looking at the next episode of Hoarders.
Bianca scowls. Behind her, Lance is frantically spraying everything in sight with a bottle of air freshener.
Bianca: What are you doing here, MC?
MC: I was going to ask you that.
Bianca: Isn't it obvious? I live here now, because that's how pathetic my life's become since Daddy cut me off.
MC: You're a mess.
Bianca: Whatever. Get your laughs in while you can, because I won't live like this for long. I'm selling my shares to Desiree and getting my trust fund back.
Ethan: Uh, remember that worst case scenario we talked about, MC?
MC: Bianca, you can't sell! That'd be letting Desiree win!
Bianca: I hate my sister as much as I hate you, but you know what I hate more? Filth!
Bianca: I have nothing clean and in style to wear, I'm totally out of Evian, and I've missed three salon appointments. Beating Desiree isn't worth this descent into disgustingness.
Bianca whips out her cell phone, but you snatch it out of her hand.
Bianca: Hey!
MC: Do you want things to go back to the way they were? Do you want to let your family walk all over you again?
Bianca: Of course not.
MC: Are you going to roll over and hand all the power to Desiree like you've done your whole life?
Bianca: What choice do I have? I refuse to live like this.
MC: You don't have to sell or live like this... if you let us help you.
Ethan: We're doing what now?
MC: We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Easy way? Sell your shares to me.
Bianca: Please. The money I'd get from you isn't anywhere near the amount Daddy gives me every month.
MC: Hard way it is, then.
MC: I don't love this idea, but if it means keeping your family from taking over my company... we'll help you, Bianca.
Bianca: Ugh, pass. I don't need any help from you.
MC: Are you kidding? You're living in a dragon's hoard of dirty laundry, and you're wearing a dress and sweatpants!
Bianca: Did you come here just to kick me while I'm down?
MC: Look, you don't want to sell your shares to me and neither of us wants you to sell back to Desiree. You wouldn't want your family to win after the way they treated you, right?
Bianca: Obviously.
MC: Well, since you're not selling your shares, you'll need to spend less money.
MC: I'm not going to be your BFF, but I'm willing to get you sorted out. And yes, that does include shopping.
Bianca: ...fine. But only because I haven't been shopping in, like, five days. And I'll die if I don't buy something cute soon.
MC: Whatever. Just get in the car. I know who can help us... but she might take some convincing.
You reluctantly drive an equally reluctant Bianca to the studio where Addison is directing a photoshoot for a men's fashion campaign.
MC: I think you'd better stay in the car, Bianca.
Bianca: Fine by me. It'd be such a hassle if those models all swooned over my presence.
MC: Sure. That's why I want you to stay in the car. Not because you've been an absolute monster to Addison.
Bianca: Addison is who you think can help me? As if Little Miss Failed Actress can teach me anything!
MC: Bianca, shut up. Just shut up.
Ethan: I'll keep an eye on her, MC.
You head inside alone, and Addison's eyes light up when she spots you. She calls for a break, then rushes over to meet you at the coffee cart.
MC: Hey, Addi. How would you like to help a really desperate person shop for some thrifty fashion deals?
Addison: Oh, fun! I'd love to! Who needs my expertise?
MC: Bianca.
Addison: Did you say Bianca?
Addison: Sorry, MC. I don't think I can help her. I know she's helping you with your company, but... she's been so awful to me.
MC: I know, Addi, but this is something we have to do to keep her on our side.
MC: Listen, don't think of it as helping Bianca. Think of it as...
What do you say?
Helping fashion.
Helping me.
if "Helping fashion." then
MC: She was wearing a dress over a pair of sweatpants. You'd be saving the world from some major crimes against fashion if you teach her how to dress and shop for herself.
Addison: When you put it like that... I guess I could do it for fashion.
Addison: Please tell me you took a picture of Bianca in sweatpants, though.
MC: I think Ethan snuck one on his phone. I'll have him text you.
if "Helping me." then
MC: Without our help, she'll turn to her dad, and I'll lose my company. I know it's a lot to ask, but if you could just teach her a few style tips... maybe show her some cheap and fashionable stores...
Addison: ...okay.
MC: You'll help?
Addison: Yes. I won't do it for Bianca, but I'll do it for you. After all you've done for me, MC, I'd do anything for you.
MC: Thanks, Addison. You're the best.
Outside, you and Addison climb back into your car with Bianca and Lance. Ethan turns to you from the driver's seat.
Ethan: Glad to have you on board, Addison.
Bianca: Speak for yourself. I'm literally the opposite of glad.
Addison: I'd be offended if you didn't look so pathetic.
Lance: Whoa, harshing on my girlfriend? I thought you were here to help!
MC: She is, but just because she's here to help doesn't mean you get to insult her. You need Addison, so knock it off.
Bianca seethes as Addison directs Ethan to one of her favorite thrift stores. As you stop in front of the simple storefront, Bianca sneers.
Lance: What's wrong, babe?
Bianca: I am not going in there!
Bianca ducks behind Lance and plants her feet, refusing to go inside the thrift store.
MC: What's the problem now, Bianca?
Bianca: No Stone has ever stepped foot inside a thrift store before. Do I look like one of the 99 percent?
Lance: Babe, just take a look. You might find something not completely awful.
Bianca glares at him, then storms into the store with Addison following her. You turn to Lance.
MC: Uh... thanks, I guess. I didn't expect you to be okay with thrift stores.
Lance: I used to shop at thrift stores all the time when I first started my modeling career.
Lance: But, uh, don't even think about telling Bianca!
You head inside and find Bianca squeezing through the aisles, arms curled against her chest like she's afraid of touching anything.
Addison: What about this dress? It's got pockets!
Bianca: No. Way. I can tell just by looking at it that it's synthetic.
Addison: What about this jacket, then? It's from this season, and it looks brand new.
Bianca: Denim? You can't be serious.
MC: Hey, do you think you could be a decent human being to Addison for, like, five minutes while she's trying to help you?
Bianca: No.
MC: Well, try.
Addison: I honestly don't know if there's much else I can do here. I gave Bianca a list of style guides to help her pick her daily outfits, but if she won't even touch any of these clothes...
Bianca: Filthy clothes, you mean.
Lance: Oh, I've got this! Doing laundry is easy!
Lance dashes over with a can of air freshener, spraying all the clothes around Bianca.
MC: Uh... that's not really how you...
MC: Never mind. Will you try something on now, Bianca?
Bianca: Not a chance in--
Suddenly, she stops and stares at a black and gold dress hanging on a rack in front of her. She yanks it out and holds it up to her body.
Bianca: Oh. My. God. This is vintage Versace. I've been trying to buy this exact dress for years!
MC: So you're happy now? Thrift store shopping a success?
Bianca: Versace, Versace, Versace, Versace...
MC: Uh... hello?
Lance: Forget it, MC. There's no talking to her once she starts singing Drake.
MC: I'll take that as a win.
You and Ethan follow Bianca up to the counter so she can pay for her dress. The cashier swipes her credit card, but returns it with a shake of his head.
Bianca: Declined? What do you mean declined?
Ethan: Have you been using that ever since your dad cut you off?
Bianca: Um, duh.
MC: You didn't think that maybe, just maybe, you'd eventually max out your credit cards?
MC: Ugh. Whatever. I'll pay for this. But afterwards, we're having a serious talk about your finances.
Back at your lot, you visit various production teams while Ethan and Bianca look over her accounts in your office.
Hours later, you go back to your office and find Ethan staring intently at his laptop screen while Bianca sits across from him, texting with a bored look on her face.
MC: Everything all right in here?
Ethan: Take a look, MC.
Ethan turns his laptop to you, and you skim the figures in a long spreadsheet.
MC: This is Bianca's annual budget? That's not as bad as I was expecting.
Ethan: Yeah, except for how it's her monthly budget.
MC: Are you kidding me, Bianca? How do you even spend that much? Are you a small country?
Bianca: I'm accustomed to a certain lifestyle, MC. It's called having a life. Not that you'd know anything about that.
MC: I know you're going to have to get used to a different lifestyle. You're an investor, so we'll pay you a monthly stipend... but it's not going to be that much.
Ethan: Here's what we can offer you.
Ethan writes down a number on a piece of paper and slides it over to Bianca.
Bianca: This better be good, or I walk.
Bianca takes the slip of paper and glances at the monthly stipend amount written on it.
Bianca: Are you kidding me? I spend that much in a day.
Bianca: I know you can't possibly understand what it takes to be Bianca Stone, since you're so common, but all of my expenditures are vital.
MC: How are all these magazine subscriptions vital? Do you really read 'Exfoliation Exposed' and 'Pedicure Professional'?
Lance: Oh, those are both for me.
MC: Seriously? Why do you-- never mind, I don't even want to know.
MC: It's not just the magazines. Like, dozens of salon appointments a month? How is that even possible?
Bianca: I take care of myself and my friends. You can't expect me to walk around with people who look like... well, you.
Ethan: Look, Bianca, if you're willing to lose a few luxuries, we can make this stipend work for you.
Ethan waves you and Bianca over to look at the budget he's drawn up on his laptop.
Bianca: This fashion budget is tiny.
Ethan: But if you shop like Addison showed you, you'll be able to buy even more clothes than you did on your family allowance.
Bianca: Ugh. Whatever. But is this what you want me to budget for food? Do you want me to starve?
MC: No, we want you to switch to tap water and buy groceries, instead of eating out all the time.
Bianca: Tap water?
Bianca: You must have mistaken me for a dog, MC.
Ethan: Bianca, this is already way more than what most people have to live on when they start their first jobs.
MC: And you're not really even doing a job.
Bianca: Is that supposed to be an insult? Working is so pedestrian.
Ethan: Yeah, well, you'll have more of a budget if you ever decide to actually work. For now, this is what you'll have to live on.
Bianca: Fine. But something's missing.
Bianca: Where the hell is my car service? How do you expect me to get anywhere without a driver?
MC: Don't you have a car?
Bianca: What would I do with a car?
MC: Uh... I dunno, drive it?
Lance: Bianca can't drive. She doesn't have a license.
MC: What?! How did you go this long in L.A. without getting a license?
Lance: They won't let Bianca take the driving test anymore... not after the incident with the train. No one is crazy enough to get in a car with her.
Lance: Er, did I say crazy? I meant to say, uhh--
Bianca: Just shut up, Lance. Anyway, it's not my fault the entire DMV is corrupt and evil.
MC: The DMV might be evil, but you definitely need to get a license.
Ethan: Do we even know anyone brave enough to get behind the wheel with...
Ethan: Never mind. Of course we do... Crash.
You and Ethan drive Bianca to the closed driving course on campus where a lone red roadster zips through an obstacle course of colorful cones.
The sports car screeches to a halt in front of you! Crash clambers out and does a victory dance.
MC: Hey, Crash. You were tearing it up out there!
Crash: Whoa, I might have gone too fast, because I swear I see Bianca standing behind you.
Bianca: You do, loser. Be thankful you get to be in my presence.
MC: Sorry, Crash, but your eyes don't deceive you. That is actually Bianca you see.
MC: And unfortunately, we have to ask you a favor that involves spending time with her.
Ethan: Bianca needs to learn how to drive.
Crash: You mean stunts and stuff?
Ethan: No, like... drive. A car. On roads. Normally, and legally.
MC: Bianca doesn't have a license. She's such a bad driver that the local DMV has banned her from taking the test.
Bianca: Hey, I'm a creative driver.
Ethan: What do you say, Crash? Can you show her the ropes while we track down someone to test her?
Crash: I can do better than that. I can give her the test!
Crash: You're looking at Crash Yamaguchi, certified driving instructor and test giver!
MC: Seriously?
Crash: I needed a summer job. So, Bianca... enemy who we're suddenly helping for some reason... let's get you behind the wheel! What do you say?
Bianca: Ugh.
Crash pulls up in a modest four-door sedan and parks in front of you and Bianca.
Crash: The stunt department had this baby left over from a movie shoot. All tricked out with extra airbags and ready to go!
Bianca: Ugh, this car looks like it's from the '90s.
Crash: That's what makes it a good training car. It handles great, trust me!
MC: Thanks for the help, Crash.
Lance: I should warn you... Bianca doesn't really do slow.
Crash: Perfect. Neither do I.
Crash slides into the passenger seat and lets Bianca take the wheel.
Crash: All right, hands at ten and two. Left pedal's brake, right's gas, and--
Bianca slams on the gas and tears down the track!
Crash: Whoa!
Bianca crashes into row after row of traffic cones, crushing them beneath her wheels. You hear Crash and Bianca both shouting as they complete the first circuit.
Bianca: What are you doing?!
Crash: I'm not doing anything! What are you doing?! Slow down!
Instead of stopping, Bianca speeds up! She retraces the carnage that she left around the track as she takes another lap... then another...
Ethan: Is it just me or is she staying on the actual road more often now?
MC: She's avoiding most of the cones!
A dozen laps later, Bianca pulls to a stop in front of you. She steps out of the car, perfectly unruffled.
Bianca: Whatever. Driving's not even that hard.
MC: Crash, you okay?
Crash steps out from the passenger seat, eyes wide.
Crash: That was... terrifying! I haven't felt so alive in years!
MC: Of course you had fun. White-knuckle terror is your bread and butter.
Crash: And it's always delicious.
Ethan: So is Bianca ready for a driving test?
Crash: Right now? Not a chance. She's an awful driver, but she does have some good instincts. Give me a few more hours to work with her, and she'll be ready for the driving test.
Leaving Bianca with Crash, you head back to the studios with Ethan to check on your company's projects.
Ethan: I rescheduled your pitch meeting for tomorrow morning.
MC: Good. And Bianca's going to be there?
Ethan: Looks like it. She just Instagrammed a picture of herself with her brand new driver's license.
MC: Crash is a miracle worker. So are you and Addi, for that matter. Thanks for having my back.
Ethan: Any time. You can thank us by keeping your company away from Desiree.
The next morning, you arrive at your office bright and early. Your friends eagerly wait in the lobby for their turns to make their pitches.
MC: Hey, guys. Thanks for agreeing to reschedule! I'm really excited to hear your pitches.
Classmate 1: I have a screenplay that'll be perfect for Hunt to direct!
MC: I'll see if he has time to look at it!
Classmate 2: And I have a TV show pitch that'll be music to your ears...
MC: And I bet you have a soundtrack to go with your pitch, right? I can't wait to hear it!
Classmate 3: MC, MC! Can I go first? My trick... I mean, my pitch involves a feathery little assistant, and I need to get it back to the pet store within the hour.
MC: Sure. Just give me a few minutes to get ready.
Inside your office, you set up your laptop to take notes...
Just then, you hear the loud screech of wheels against asphalt! Moments later, your office door slams open. Bianca struts in, wearing a stunning vintage dress.
Bianca: Ready, MC? I'm about to blow you away.
Bianca slams the door shut on your waiting friends. She drops into the chair opposite yours with a devious grin.
MC: What do you think you're doing?
Bianca: This is a pitch meeting, right? Well, here's my pitch.
She slaps a thick folder down on your desk, and you pick it up to skim through the contents.
MC: Uh... so this is an idea for a reality show about fashion?
Bianca: Keep reading.
MC: And celebrities... and celebrity pets?
MC: Let me get this straight. You want me to produce a reality show where designers make matching costumes for celebrities and celebrity pets, while also doing some sort of obstacle course?!
Bianca: Yep. In fact, I insist you produce it.
MC: Absolutely not. This isn't in line with our company image. Plus, it's not even original. You're just mashing up Project Runway and Wipeout! Why not throw in some Bachelorette while you're at it?
Bianca: Finally, you say something intelligent. We should totally include a dating element!
MC: Crap. That's even worse!
Bianca: No, it's genius, and you'd better do it justice. Or else...
MC: You'll sell your shares.
Bianca: I'm so glad we have an understanding, MC.
As Bianca leaves, she loudly shoos all of your waiting friends away. A while later, Ethan and Addison find you staring silently at the papers on your desk.
Ethan: Hey, MC. Finished already?
Addison: Did you like any of the pitches you heard today?
MC: I only got to hear one. Bianca cut in front of everyone and made her own pitch... and she's threatening to sell her shares if we don't make this reality show for her!
Addison: She's what? Does she even know how hard it is to make a whole TV show?
MC: I doubt it. And working with Bianca will make it that much harder.
You hand the folder over. Ethan and Addison skim through it.
Ethan: This is... surprisingly coherent. Bianca must've actually paid attention yesterday, because the budget is actually pretty solid.
MC: Yeah. We've created a monster.
Ethan: Look on the bright side. If we play our cards right, this show is going to be awful.
Addison: How is that a bright side?
Ethan: Because letting this show fail is the perfect move for us.
MC: I'm... not following.
Ethan: Listen up, MC. I have a plan.
What is Ethan planning? Will you be able to get out from under Bianca's thumb?
Keep playing to find out!